Own stories

1.K2K 00022




                 One fine day the papaya tree noticed that small saplings was growing by its sides....They grew up very happily .Enjoyed all the seasons. The big tree teaches how to behave in every seasons .It always says that be careful when wind occurs ,hold me at that time. The big tree never let the danger towards them. They grew safely under the big tree.


                 on the other side , there was a mango sapling too. It also grown happily by loving all the seasons. They became tree.


                  The big papaya tree said 'I can't you help you anymore live you life carefully' but the tree doesn't took that advice seriously and started living happily, enjoyed every season by having new leaves shedding the old and  giving flowers and having dew on the leaves and by getting sunlight .


                  It was rainy season, suddenly the wind blows it doesn't think of holding strong ,the wind blows forcefully it can't bear that suddenly the big tree holds that but in that wind the old tree fell down by saving the tree.


                  The newly grown tree  shows the mango tree and asked it  also faced the same wind which we faced but nothing happened to them but why we are having this much weakness, why this much difference between us even we live in the same land ,it questioned the big tree. It smiled and replied ,yes not everyone is same and just think of your good properties, your fruit ,leaf, bark ,even unripe fruit, in all stages you are having this much goodness and everyone will have different properties and everyone will have different weakness, just remember that you are absolutely unique and be strong when wind blows ,the big tree by saying all these and  it dies.







2. K2K-00028




It was all a normal day on the earth. A new soul was born on that day. The soul was so fresh and tender that it feared to come out that day. It decided to stay inside. But the soul never thought that it missed to see some beautiful stories of some ANGELS. As the TIME passed away, the soul realized that it would be considered as CONTEMPT if it is not going to explore this world.


Gathering some courage, It realized it too had a wing and started to fly into the BEAUTIFUL sky. For the first time, it started to see others happiness through stories and it gained its first VISION into the SCHOOL of stories. The soul wondered how beautiful the stories are and decided to learn more out of it. The FRAGRANCE of the other pure souls captured the attention of this soul. It became more and more eager to share its stories with others and listened to various others stories.


The soul saw many stories relating Love, Friendship and Even some genres like COMEDY. But for the soul saw yet another one soul encouraged by another which was a LGBTQ soul which was far beyond its EXPECTATIONS. From that moment, it realized that whosoever it may be, whoever treats you good is a FATHER to you. That moment, the soul realized that it saw stories which are nothing other than LIFE LESSONS.


The soul realized that life is full of pain, happiness, joy, love, ROMANCE, fun and many more. At that moment, the soul decided to pay a small GRATITUDE to all other souls which encouraged, motivated and taught many lessons to this soul and letting it fly happily AS IT WISHED. The soul’s wonderful journey has been started and hopes it meets other new souls with new experiences too…




Not all stories have a moral but all stories have an inspiration.






Are clouds angry?


{An incredibly beautiful sunny and hot day. The whole city energy got drained due to hot sun. Suddenly black clouds hid the sun and darkness cover whole city. People experienced worst feeling due to humidity which was worse than the heat itself. People wondered why it is not raining. Meanwhile above the earth, somewhere clouds had a conversation.}


Cloud 1: Omg I am black again.

Cloud 2: Hey there black cloud what are you doing here?

Cloud 1: I was viewing the city peaceful sudden water vapours caught me.

Cloud 1: Now am supposed to rain.

Cloud 2: Then, why are you waiting for let the rainout?

Cloud 1: No, I will not do it.

Cloud 2: Why so?

Cloud 1: Do you know where are we standing now?

Cloud 2: I do not know (Wondering).

Cloud 1: We are at Chennai. The people here are always wasting rain and water.

Cloud 2: We shouldn't be angry; clouds are supposed to rain wherever they are.

Cloud 1: Ok. Let it rain.



{So, still so furious cloud, rained heavily and heavily causing huge flood and part of city was filled with water causing lots of destruction, due to illegal construction of buildings on many places water didn’t have place to go and people lost their valuable things and some lost their own life. Only good thing happened, people realize that everyone is equal and helped each other to regain into normal state}


Cloud 1: See there those people are wasting water. They know how to build buildings for their luxury but do not know how to save water

Cloud 2: You were right, these people do not deserve rain. They will not get any rain from now.

Cloud 1: Let us see how they manage without rain and less water

Cloud 2: Will see how they are managing without water and decide whether we should give them rain or not.


{Clouds decided to watch over a normal home on earth and travelled here and there and found a perfect house}

{It was house of two kids Raju and Geetha.  Both kids lived peacefully with their parents. Raju father was government employee and mother housewife. It was a usual busy day. Kids were getting ready for school and father off to work}


Mom: Raju, Geetha wake up its morning, get ready for school.

Kids: Mom, it is raining outside government may have declared holiday check tv once.

Dad: Did you have a dream or something, whole city is drained, and you are saying it’s raining. Get ready and go to school.

Kids: {sadly woke up} they went to their morning chores.

{After brushing teeth, Raj left the tap open}

Dad: {angrily} I have told you many times, close the tap after use. Why are you using tap for brushing and wasting water? Why don't you use mug of water? Water does not grow on trees.

Mom: Why are you always scolding kids, what will happen if only our family Saves water. Whole worlds have to do so.

{After this dad went to office and kids went to school. Mom in the name of washing clothes left the tap open and went for chitchat​with neighbours wasting lots of water}

{Kids came back from school}

Geetha: Raju, we have completed our homework. Let us play games

Raju: What will we play?

Geetha:  Its hot outside, we will play with water gun.


{Raju and Geetha played with water gun wasting more water. Father came home witnessing all these he decided to teach kids and their mom a lesson. So next day morning}

Mom: Omg!!! Omg!!! {Screaming}

Kids: What happen mom why are you shouting?

Mom: Where did all the water go?

Kids: Which water why are you blabbering?

Mom: We are not getting water via pipes.

Kids: Mom, Switch on the motor will get water.

Dad: {angrily} we will not get water today. Motor will not work

Kids & Mom: But why?

Dad: You have wasted all the water and will not get them back. I told you not to waste water and once wasted we will not get it back. People are suffering without water and you are wasting it. Now we will suffer without water.

Kids & Mom: We realised our mistake. We will not waste water anymore.

Dad: Saving start from home. We should implement proper water saving method and share them with our neighbours also.


{After watching all these clouds came to conclusion.}


Cloud 1: See I told you the people on earth do not value water.

Cloud 2: At least one person in family knows value of water.

Cloud 1: So, for that one person we should rain to increase his faith.

Cloud 2: Yes, I agree.


{So, earth got rain again but still water got stagnated and wasted because no proper water saving scheme. Meanwhile the raindrops had conversation}


Rain drop 1: Why did the clouds let us here again we are wasted.

Rain drop 2: We were very pure now again we became dirty water.

Rain drop 1: I think people do not have any idea on how to preserve water

Will teach them how to do.

Rain drop 1&2: How can we teach them?

Clouds: We do not have to teach them. Earth contains angels with wings of knowledge they are called teachers. They fill younger generation with good thoughts and make them into good human beings.


{A normal day at school and teacher is explaining about a very interesting and important topic related to current crisis city is facing}


Teacher: Good morning class. How are you all today?

Students: Good morning teacher. We are all good mam.

Teacher: Class today we are going to learn about out of syllabus topic.

Students: What is it mam?

Teacher: Any guess?

Student 1: Is it about latest movie?

Student 2: Is it related to politics?

Teacher: Not movie or politics. The topic is solution to current crisis the city is facing.

Students: {Wondering what the topic is}

Teacher:  The topic is about rainwater harvesting. The city is facing too much of water shortage and the rain we are getting is very less and rainwater is wasted because we are not saving it properly. Now will see how rainwater harvesting can be done.

Teacher: So, kids now we know how to save water. We must save water in all possible ways, plant lots of trees and preserve water in wells, ponds etc. Reduce usage of water at homes. Savings begin at home.

Students: We are taking oath that never waste water and will make sure our parents, relatives and neighbours do the same and also try to implement small rainwater saving plan at homes.



“Money doesn’t grow on trees so is water, Money can be earned, but water must be saved, protected and reserved”










          My desire is to become a professional writer by chance. This passion in me never permits me to sleep.


          Whenever I find an opportunity, I tread into the areas where even the angels never dare to enter. My problems in writing fiction are plenty. No doubt I am a very successful and resourceful in my present vocation that is also my choice no doubt. You know the success in one field need not bring victory in another. As R.K. Narayan personally experiences, a great writer need not be a great speaker.


          While story  writing, I conceive  a logical plot, develop its incidents and expectations like a surprise ending like O'Henry in English and Puthumaippithan in Tamil, the daring and dashing theme like D. H. Lawrence in English and Jayakanthan in Tamil, the highly challenging and complex issues like Raja Rao in English and Sujatha in Tamil and the complicated and pedantic style like T.S.Eliot in his poetry and drama in English, but alas, nothing like these writings, I presume, comes out of my pen.


       Should I do a course in creative writing or story telling? My sixth sense says that it is like having a driving license without being a competent driver. History shows that education and training do not guarantee originality and resourcefulness to make your writing the best and most popular. The best example is in the sixteenth century, a group of scholars like Ben Jonson, who were called the University Wits, as they were graduates, tried their pedantic writings in drama and poetry in vain, but their contemporary less educated, non graduate playwright Shakespeare stormed the world with thirty seven plays that all became block busters. They moved the hearts of all.

            Nothing is original but its presentation is!


Moral: Creativity depends upon originality and doing things differently. Rely more upon your wisdom than knowledge.

R. Arunachalam


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